Bill Brenner of CSO Online recently published 10 Browser Settings for Safer Surfing, a list of ten changes that you should make to Internet Explorer if that’s the browser you use to surf the internet. I’ll endorse all his recommendations (except perhaps number four, but that depends on your reading habits).

Give the article a read, especially if you are a Windows user. (Note: His recommendations are based on Windows Vista. If you’re still an XP user, some won’t apply.)

By the way, even if you’re a Firefox user, you should follow recommendation ten (remove old versions of Java) but if you downloaded a patch management program like Secunia, you’re already being prompted to do that.

If you don’t want to read the whole article, here is the short version of his recommendations. Go to:

  1. Tools/Internet Options/Security tab/Internet zone/Custom Level/XPS Documents: disable (Vista only)
  2. Tools/Internet Options/Security tab/Internet zone/Custom Level/Font download: disable
  3. Tools/Internet Options/Security tab/Internet zone/Custom Level/Include local file directory path when uploading files to a server: disable
  4. Tools/Internet Options/Security tab/Internet zone/Custom Level: change Prompt to Disable
  5. Tools/Internet Options/Security tab/Internet zone/Custom Level/User Authentication/Logon: Prompt for username and password
  6. Tools/Internet Options/Advanced tab/Use SSL 2.0: unchecked
  7. Tools/Internet Options/Advanced tab/Use TLS 1.0: checked
  8. Tools/Internet Options/Advanced Tab/Search from the address bar: Do not search from the address bar
  9. Tools/Internet Options/Programs tab/Manage Add-ons button Disable any you no longer use or don’t recognize
  10. Start Menu/Control Panel/Programs and Features Remove old versions of Java

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